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Zombieload - Critical Linux CVE Affects Almost All Intel CPUs

Critical MDS affects almost all Intel CPUs

  1. What is Zombieload Vulnerability?
  2. What is MDS attack?
  3. Which CPUs are affected by Zombieload?
  4. How to mitigate the MDS/Zombieload Vulnerability?
  5. MDS/Zombieload Vulnerability Patch Release Schedule

What is Zombieload Vulnerability?

Linux vulnerabilities are becoming like celebrities, with freaky names and their own websites.

The latest ones to hit the scene are Zombieload, RIDL and Fallout, also known as Microarchitectural Data Sampling, (MDS for short), discovered by Intel and researched by academic departments at security-focused institutions around the world. These vulnerabilities are in the same vein as Spectre and Meltdown, being design flaws that reveal data. Zombieload is particularly worrying because it affects all Intel Core and Xeon CPUs manufactured since 2011.